# Show Linux subreddit
hw2 ➜ python3 reddit_browser.py --subreddits ultimate,cats,boardgames --num 3 --regex '.*'
wtheisen.github.io ➜ /usr/local/bin/python3 /Users/wtheisen/Dropbox/linux_files/programs/wtheisen.github.io/diggums/homeworks/hw2/reddit_browser.py
0 : https://www.reddit.com/r/ultimate/hot.json
1 : https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/hot.json
2 : https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/hot.json
Enter Input: 2
2 : https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/hot.json
0 : Daily Discussion and Game Recommendations Thread (February 05, 2023)
1 : Midweek Mingle - (February 02, 2023)
2 : Have you seen this mechanic in other games?
Enter Input: 2
2 : Have you seen this mechanic in other games?
|89|-> Not exactly the same, but Formula D uses different dice depending on what gear your race car is in. e.g. lower gears will use d3, d6, higher gears will use d12, d20, etc. What you roll is how far you move, but you can only shift up or down one level each turn.
|36|-> They're special too, the D20 doesn't have like, 1-7, some of the higher numbers are duplicated.
|5|-> If I remember correctly there could be a down side to using bigger dice though right? You HAVE to move the full amount and could cause you to crash if you go too fast. I could be wrong though it's been 20 years.
|31|-> I think this is similar to Star Wars Armada/X-Wing, where each ship rolls a different number of different colored dice (red/blue/black) for firing at different ranges (long/med/short), and each doe (all d8s) have different number of faces for each type of effect (hit/critical/accuracy/miss). For example, a small frigate might roll 2 red and 1 blue dice whereas a Star Destroyer might roll 4 red, 2 blue, 2 black when attacking.
|7|-> I do remember a game that used different dice for different success rates. But IIRC, it had icons instead of numbers on them.
Like, the white dice hat 50% success rate (3 success icons, 3 fails), the red dice 66% (4 success, 2 fail), and the black dice 33% (2 success, 4 fail) or something like that.
Come to think of it. It might have been a TTRPG
|4|-> Sounds like Star wars edge of the empire
|4|-> [Conan](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/160010/conan) has 3 dice of increasing strength that are used depending on the character/action. They aren't intransitive as each one is outright better than the other.
They use yellow/orange/red for the dice, so may not be exactly what you were thinking of, but its the same principal.
|4|-> I quickly fid the math, and I believe the infantry wins only 3/16 times (not counting ties).
Out of the 36 combinations, there are 4 ties (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6). (With the first number the infantry, and 2nd the tank).
And 6 wins for the infantry (4, 3), (5, 3), (5, 4), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5).
The remaining 26 combinations are all won by the tank. In matchups of multiple tanks vs multiple infantry, the advantage for the tanks is even larger.
|3|-> Yes you are right, my mistake. For the easiest calculations, I like to write the numbers out in a table with one die on each axis like this https://imgur.com/a/aTDjRnw. I accidentally counted the infantrys winning chances as infantry-wins divided by tank-wins as opposed to divided by all non-tied battles when I made the post! I actually made a small program to simulate battles as it can get pretty complicated quickly with many units, especiallt if you have a varied army with different units fighting together. You are correct in that the advantage grows with larger battles. Two tanks vs two infantries seem to converge on a total win-rate of about 92% for the tanks for instance. However, tanks are more expensive and requires higher tech, so you'll probably have less of them. 2 infantries vs 1 tank is favoured only by 56% towards the tanks. Still tanks are most often cost-effective against infantry.
|3|-> I was 2 lines in and I already guess intransitive dice. I have a set myself of the set designed by James Grime, where the circle of victory gets reversed when using 2 dice instead of 1. I found that's neat.
|-8|-> That sounds pretty cool! It reminds me a bit of the combat mechanic in Scythe, with the different numbers and such
|2|-> Thanks, haven't tried Scythe. Will look it up.
|8|-> It is not even close to the combat mechanic in scythe.
|3|-> Well they both have different numbers and such.
|5|-> IIRC the combat system in Scythe is actually very different: you have a public amount of combat power and you secretly bid some amount of it using a wheel and potentially adding cards to boost it (a system originally developed in the '80s for the famous Dune game). Systems with different dice for different units or weapons are pretty common in the skirmish or dungeon crawling genre, you could check Hoplomacus or Oathsworn for recent examples (but even Twilight Imperium has a pretty similar system)
|3|-> Twilight Imperium uses standard d10s for all rolls.
Enter Input: b
2 : https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/hot.json
0 : Daily Discussion and Game Recommendations Thread (February 05, 2023)
1 : Midweek Mingle - (February 02, 2023)
2 : Have you seen this mechanic in other games?
Enter Input: b
0 : https://www.reddit.com/r/ultimate/hot.json
1 : https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/hot.json
2 : https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/hot.json
Enter Input: 0
0 : https://www.reddit.com/r/ultimate/hot.json
0 : Free Talk Friday: Anything goes!
1 : Florida Warm Up, Stanford Open, Mexican Mixed Nationals – Weekend Discussion [Feb 3-6]
2 : USAU Updates Observer Implementation of Misconduct System for Dangerous Plays
Enter Input: 2
2 : USAU Updates Observer Implementation of Misconduct System for Dangerous Plays
|4|-> >Moving forward in any observed game, any player that commits a dangerous play will be issued a yellow card (personal misconduct foul) or a red card (ejection) in extreme cases. **This includes instances where player initiated dangerous play calls are uncontested, even if an observer does not believe the play was dangerous.**
I like the idea behind these changes and support making the sport safer, but I worry that this specific rule change will just lead to more players contesting Dangerous Play calls.
Big supporter of SotG, but I can't help but think we've surpassed its limit when we're effectively asking players "do you agree to be ejected?" (or "do you agree to be 1 step away from being ejected?").
And really, how often in an observed game does a dangerous play get missed by the observers? I feel like they almost always happen around the disc (as opposed to behind the play, or way downfield).
|3|-> Great to see this. It is overdue. The blue card system is fundamentally flawed, as the TMF is often only communicated by observers to a subset of players on a team (occasionally not even the team's leadership, which should be mandatory at a minimum) and therefore the consequences are not understood to all members of the offending team or the team's leadership may not be aware of the card at all when they are dealing with other issues during a stoppage of play. The deterrent factor therefore can get muddied.
Side note, why are you releasing this on Reddit and not on the USAU webpage?
|-4|-> When two players both run into unoccupied space without looking and collide with each other who is at fault?
Because the way it is currently called and enforced dangerous plays seem to just go to whoever calls it first despite in many cases both players engaging in dangerous play
Enter Input: b
0 : https://www.reddit.com/r/ultimate/hot.json
0 : Free Talk Friday: Anything goes!
1 : Florida Warm Up, Stanford Open, Mexican Mixed Nationals – Weekend Discussion [Feb 3-6]
2 : USAU Updates Observer Implementation of Misconduct System for Dangerous Plays
Enter Input: b
0 : https://www.reddit.com/r/ultimate/hot.json
1 : https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/hot.json
2 : https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/hot.json
Enter Input: b
hw2 ➜